what is microdosing
Beginner Guide

What Is Microdosing: The Definitive Psychedelic Guide


Amaya Dinesa

Content Writer

September 18, 2023

11 mins read


Welcome to the intriguing world of microdosing psychedelics, where the key to unlocking their potential lies not only in the magic of molecules but also in the art of measured exploration.

What is microdosing? In its simplest form, microdosing involves taking small amounts of a psychedelic substance, such as one-tenth of a recreational dose (or what might be called a subthreshold dose).

Micro dosages are typically so tiny that you don't experience the full-blown effects or 'trips' often associated with psychedelics.

The benefit? Individuals report that microdosing increases creativity, improves mood, reduces stress, anxiety and depression, heightens focus, and can even expand spiritual awareness.

Microdose for calm and creativity

Read on to discover the latest science supporting these many benefits, along with guidance for how to microdose, a peek at popular substances for microdosing, and how to figure out the right dosage and frequency for your needs.

Who Came Up With Microdosing?

If we're going to give credit where credit is due, we have to acknowledge that the practice of microdosing is honestly older than humankind itself.

For example, did you know that our idea of flying reindeer may be tied to the fact they graze on psychedelic lichens? Or that there are documented stories of dogs that lick psychoactive toads and dolphins that get high on pufferfish toxin!

It turns out we humans are pretty late to the party. Animals have been happily tripping for millions of years before we two-footed started padding about.

Who invented the modern microdose?

This technique was initially popularized in the 1960s by Dr. James Fadiman in his book The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys. His work paved the way for further studies into this intriguing area of self-improvement through psychedelics.

Microdosing turns out to be a totally different world. As someone said, the rocks don’t glow, even a little bit. But what many people are reporting is, at the end of the day, they say, 'That was a really good day.
James Fadiman

Additionally, Albert Hoffman, the Swiss chemist who first synthesized lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the 1930s, remarked later in his life that he often took subthreshold doses1 to enhance his nature walks. 

So, while microdosing has been around for eons, its recent surge in popularity may have to do with our increasingly fast-paced modern lifestyle, which has led to many people reporting chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and addiction. Emerging clinical studies and research indicate that microdosing psychedelics may help reduce the effects of these chronic conditions.

Rather than seeking intense experiences, microdosing allows you to enter what we call the Goldilocks zone of psychedelics, where you get to dip your toes into Wonderland without completely falling down the rabbit hole or having deep existential conversations with your toaster! 

Down the rabbit hole

The Science-Backed Benefits of Microdosing

How effective is microdosing? Thankfully, we are beginning to see more and more clinical studies and research papers on the benefits of microdosing psychedelics.

Neuroplasticity + Enhanced Cognition

Psychedelics such as psilocybin (found in magic mushrooms or "shrooms") and LSD work primarily by binding to serotonin receptors in the brain. Research suggests that microdoses can enhance mood and cognition by promoting neuroplasticity2 - the brain's ability to form new neural connections. Additionally, another study3 indicates that psychedelics may stimulate growth factors leading to increased nerve cell growth.

Boosting Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

Another oft-reported benefit is enhanced mental clarity. For those who want to dispel brain fog or enhance their ability to solve problems and think more creatively, microdosing shows promise.

For example, if you're an artist seeking inspiration, a programmer debugging complex code, or me grappling with writer's block 🤫 the implications of the latest microdosing research are notable.

This study in Psychopharmacology, for example, showed increased creativity among participants who were microdosing mushrooms4. During the study, participants revealed they experienced more "out of the box" thinking after taking minuscule amounts of psilocybin.

Notably, both convergent and divergent thinking performance were improved, while participants were able to maintain fluid intelligence without detrimental effect.

Overall Mood & Mental Health Improvements

In the above-mentioned study, 79% of participants reported improved mental health after four weeks of consistently microdosing psychedelics5.

In this study on microdosing psilocybin mushrooms, microdosers demonstrated greater observed improvements in mood and mental health at one month relative to non-microdosing controls6.

In this systematic review of research into low-dose psychedelics, notable improvements in mood and mental health were often cited and microdosing was often linked with lower depression scores7.

Decreased Stress & Anxiety

Anxiety is considered a modern mental health crisis world-wide. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, almost a third of adults will experience an anxiety disorder in the United States at some point during their lifetime8.

In one research study, adults who microdosed psychedelics while also noting prior history of mental health concerns, reported lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression compared to non-microdosers9.

Reduce stress and anxiety

Improvements For Treatment-Resistant Depression

Recent scientific studies have shown promising results regarding the use of microdosing psychedelics, specifically psilocybin mushrooms, in addressing treatment-resistant depression and other major depressive disorders.

In one case study, a 43-year old man suffered greatly from treatment resistant depression (TRD). Prior to the study, he had undergone psychological testing, lab work, adequate trials of numerous medications, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and electroconvulsive therapy, all without adequate relief of his symptoms.

The patient then began self-administering a microdosing regimen of psilocybin and experienced significant improvement of major depressive disorder symptoms, as characterized by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)10.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Limited research exists on the efficacy of microdosing substances such as psilocybin in the treatment of OCD, yet early findings offer promise. In a 2014 study, individuals undergoing a 10-week psilocybin regimen reported a noticeable decrease in their OCD symptoms11.

According to the study, psilocybin may have the capacity to modify serotonin receptors in the brain, aiding its ability to diminish or eradicate intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors experienced by certain OCD sufferers. Additionally, the researchers posit that psilocybin has the potential to alleviate emotional distress associated with OCD in these individuals.

These preliminary insights strongly indicate psilocybin's potential as a viable OCD treatment. Nevertheless, further research is needed.

Increased Productivity

In a fascinating study on the effects of psychedelics in the workplace, users reported that microdosing psilocybin helped improve their workplace relations. Microdosing mushrooms reduced levels of anxiety and promoted toleration, leading to greater vulnerability, outreach to colleagues, and more collaborative managerial approaches12.

Psychedelic Substances for Microdosing

If you're looking to start a journey with microdosing, it's important to know your options. There are several psychedelic substances that people commonly use for this practice.

🍄 Psychedelic Mushrooms

Microdosing psilocybin mushrooms is the most popular option, also known as microdosing shrooms or magic mushrooms. What makes these babies magic is the compound psilocybin which transforms into psilocin in the body, leading to changes in perception and thought processes. 

🦄 LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)

Another common substance is LSD. This synthetic chemical can induce similar effects to psilocybin but tends to last longer – around 8-12 hours compared to 4-6 hours with magic mushrooms. Some folks prefer LSD because they find its effects more predictable and controllable than those of other psychedelics.

🪽 DMT (Dimethyltryptamine)

A lesser-known option for microdosing is DMT - an incredibly potent psychedelic found naturally in certain plants and animals, and even in the human body.

At high doses, DMT causes intense visual experiences, including what is often described as entering another universe or alternate dimension... or as encountering heaven or the Divine.

Luckily, you can microdose DMT without causing intense experiences.

🌿 Ayahuasca

Finally, there's ayahuasca: A traditional Amazonian preparation that combines plants possessing DMT with other plants that possess MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors) to produce a psychoactive brew that is orally active.

As a plant sacred to the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, ayahuasca is considered a teacher plant and is often referred to as Grandmother. As such, this plant is traditionally used in a sacred and ceremonial context, even when taken in subthreshold doses through microdosing.

Where other substances are used for their lifestyle benefits, users who report success with microdosing ayahuasca often cite using it in a daily meditation or mini ritual for the purposes of inviting guidance, enhancing intuition, and for spiritual awakening.

That said, clinical studies show that microdosing ayahuasca can also provide similar benefits to that of other psychedelics, as noted in our benefits section above.

Understanding Dosage & Frequency

Microdosing is all about managing the psychedelic effects of a substance so that you can achieve your desired results while living your day-to-day life.

Therefore, the most common questions we receive are those regarding proper dosage and frequency. These include questions of mushroom dosing, delivery methods for shrooms or any other substance, and thresholds for where a substance could trigger a 'bad trip' or be considered a full dose.

Finding Your Ideal Dosage

How much should you take? That depends on various factors such as your body weight, metabolism rate, and sensitivity towards the substance.

A good starting point for psilocybin or magic mushroom dosage (what the internet often calls the right 'shroom dosage') is typically around 0.1-0.5 grams.

For LSD, micro dosage recommendations usually range from 6-25 micrograms according to research conducted by Journal of Psychopharmacology. But remember that these are just ballpark figures - everyone's reaction to psychedelics varies greatly so what works for one person may not work for another.

Scheduling Your Microdoses

What is microdosing scheduling? This just means that you're scheduling days you microdose, and days you take a break.

A popular regimen recommended by Dr. James Fadiman involves dosing every three days:

Some may find that their individual needs are best met by microdosing daily for 5 to 7 days, then taking a 3-day break. Some microdose daily and others opt for a less frequent regimen of once or twice a week.

The most important part of figuring out your dosage and frequency is to safely explore, perhaps starting with smaller doses and less frequency, and then building up to see where your sweet spot is.

The Importance of Self-Monitoring

Microdosing isn't about precision science, it's closer to a personal trial-and-error journey. You've got to keep an eye on shifts in your mood, productivity levels, creative spark and overall wellness after each dose.

Self-monitoring is important

Safety & Precautions

Because psychedelics can alter our awareness and perception, it is always important to consider safety and precaution guidelines. This isn't about reining in the fun but rather, enhancing it with a touch of wisdom.

Here are some tips to keep you on the right path.

The Right Mindset Matters

Ensure your attitude is in the proper state prior to beginning any microdosing routine. A positive mindset can help avoid negative experiences.

Your intentions also play a big role here. Be clear about why you're inviting an experience with the particular psychedelic substance you are about to ingest.

Here at Go Psychedelic, we believe that everything is energy and possesses consciousness. Especially psychedelic plants and compounds! If it feels good to you, go ahead and say hello to the spirit of the substance you're about to microdose and communicate your intention for what you'd like to experience or what you'd like help addressing.

Over time, such a practice can help you build a strong relationship with your chosen substance, which can begin to reap its own benefits.

Know Your Substance

Next, know what substance you're using for microdosing. Psilocybin mushrooms? LSD? DMT? Ayahuasca?

Research the specific effects of each one thoroughly beforehand, as they all have different properties and potential risks involved.

Dosage: Less Is More

In terms of dosage, less is more when it comes to microdosing psychedelics. The goal isn't to get high, but rather to tap into an elevated state where creativity flows freely – while you stay grounded in reality.

As a precaution, consider starting small – usually around 10% of a regular dose – then adjust according to how your body reacts over time.

Care For Set And Setting

In the realm of microdosing, where small doses yield significant potential, the critical interplay of 'set and setting' emerges as a powerful architect of your experience.

Picture your environment as the canvas and your mindset as the brushstroke that paints the masterpiece.

When it comes to optimizing your microdosing journey, attention to 'set'—your physical surroundings, the company you keep, and the atmosphere you create—is akin to setting the stage for your journey.

Likewise, 'setting'—your mental state, intentions, and emotional landscape—is the lens through which you'll view the world during this voyage. In the capable hands of your awareness, 'set and setting' can transform an ordinary day into an extraordinary exploration of self, enhancing the rhythm of your microdosing experience in the most remarkable of ways.

Health Check

And don't forget, your physical health matters too. If you're dealing with any ongoing health issues or taking meds (particularly SSRIs), it's best to chat with a healthcare professional.


What is microdosing psychedelics best used for?

Microdosing psychedelics involves taking sub-perceptual doses of substances like LSD or psilocybin mushrooms, which can offer several potential benefits. These include enhanced creativity, improved focus and productivity, increased energy levels, and a more positive mood. Some people also report experiencing deeper self-awareness and spiritual insights. Furthermore, research suggests that microdosing may have therapeutic effects for conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD and addiction. 

How often should I microdose?

The frequency of microdosing is highly individual and depends on your personal goals, body chemistry, and the type of psychedelic you're using. However, a common recommendation is to follow a protocol known as "one day on, two days off". This means taking a microdose one day, then refraining for two days before dosing again.

This approach allows your body to avoid building tolerance while providing enough time for introspection and integration of the experience. It's crucial to remember that less can be more when it comes to psychedelics - start low and go slow.

Are there any risks associated with microdosing?

Yes, there are potential risks associated with microdosing psychedelics. While many users report positive effects such as increased focus and creativity, it's important to note that these substances are powerful and can have negative side effects. Risks may include psychological discomfort, exacerbation of existing mental health conditions, physical discomfort like nausea or headaches, and the possibility of having a "bad trip". Also, because this field is still relatively new in scientific research terms, long-term effects remain largely unknown. It's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any regimen involving psychedelics.

What substances can be used for microdosing?

The most commonly used substances for microdosing are psychedelics, primarily Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and Psilocybin mushrooms. Other substances that have been reported to provide beneficial effects when microdosed include Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), Mescaline, and certain research chemicals like 1P-LSD or ALD-52. It's crucial to note that the safety profile, legality, and effects of these substances can vary significantly.

How long does a typical microdose last?

A typical microdose of psychedelics generally lasts between 4 to 6 hours. This duration can vary based on the specific substance used, individual metabolism, and dosage amount. It's important to note that while the effects may not be as pronounced as with larger doses, subtle changes in perception or mood can persist for several hours after ingestion. Always approach microdosing with mindfulness and caution, ensuring you're in a safe environment where you feel comfortable exploring these altered states of consciousness.


Who Came Up With Microdosing

The Science-Backed Benefits of Microdosing

Psychedelic Substances for Microdosing

Understanding Dosage & Frequency

Safety & Precautions



1. Andersson, M., Kjellgren, A. Twenty percent better with 20 micrograms? A qualitative study of psychedelic microdosing self-rapports and discussions on YouTube. Harm Reduction Journal 16, 63 (2019).

2. Ly, Calvin et al. “Psychedelics Promote Structural and Functional Neural Plasticity.” Cell reports vol. 23,11 (2018): 3170-3182.

3. Prochazkova, L., Lippelt, D.P., Colzato, L.S. et al. Exploring the effect of microdosing psychedelics on creativity in an open-label natural setting. Psychopharmacology 235, 3401–3413 (2018).

4. Prochazkova, Luisa et al. “Exploring the effect of microdosing psychedelics on creativity in an open-label natural setting.” Psychopharmacology vol. 235,12 (2018): 3401-3413.

5. Ibid.

6. Rootman, J.M., Kiraga, M., Kryskow, P. et al. Psilocybin microdosers demonstrate greater observed improvements in mood and mental health at one month relative to non-microdosing controls. Sci Rep 12, 11091 (2022).

7. Vince Polito, Paul Liknaitzky, The emerging science of microdosing: A systematic review of research on low dose psychedelics (1955–2021) and recommendations for the field, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Volume 139 (2022).

8. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/any-anxiety-disorder

9. Rootman, Joseph M et al. “Adults who microdose psychedelics report health related motivations and lower levels of anxiety and depression compared to non-microdosers.” Scientific reports vol. 11,1 22479. 18 Nov. 2021.

10. Lyons, Ashley. “Self-administration of Psilocybin in the Setting of Treatment-resistant Depression.” Innovations in clinical neuroscience vol. 19,7-9 (2022): 44-47.

11. Wilcox, James Allen. “Psilocybin and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.” Journal of psychoactive drugs vol. 46,5 (2014): 393-5.

12. Ferenstein, Greg, Psychological Antecedents to the Effects of Psychedelics on Workplace Productivity: Interview Evidence of a Naturalistic Setting (August 24, 2021).