Honoring Indigenous Wisdom

At GoPsychedelic.com, we deeply respect and honor the indigenous communities that have been the stewards and guardians of psychedelic knowledge for millennia.

Their wisdom, practices, and traditions form the foundation upon which modern understanding of psychedelics and plant medicine is built.

Our Commitment:

  1. Acknowledgment: We recognize and acknowledge the invaluable contributions of indigenous peoples to the world of psychedelics. Their profound understanding and sacred rituals have paved the way for contemporary research and therapeutic applications.
  2. Respectful Representation: We commit to portraying indigenous practices and beliefs with accuracy, sensitivity, and respect. We will avoid appropriation and ensure that indigenous voices are heard and represented authentically.
  3. Collaboration: We seek to collaborate with indigenous communities, ensuring that they are active participants in discussions, research, and initiatives related to psychedelics that concern their heritage.
  4. Education: We strive to educate our audience about the origins of psychedelic practices, emphasizing the central role of indigenous cultures in this realm. We aim to dispel myths and promote a genuine understanding of indigenous traditions.
  5. Support: We are dedicated to supporting initiatives that uplift indigenous communities, ensuring they benefit from the resurgence of interest in psychedelics and plant medicine.

Guiding Principles:

  • Avoid Appropriation: We will ensure that indigenous practices, symbols, and rituals are not commodified or used out of context.
  • Informed Consent: Any collaboration or sharing of indigenous knowledge will be done with the explicit consent of the respective communities.
  • Continuous Learning: We commit to ongoing education and awareness about indigenous cultures, ensuring our approach is always informed and respectful.


The journey of understanding and appreciating psychedelics is intertwined with the wisdom of indigenous peoples. At GoPsychedelic.com, we pledge to honor, respect, and uplift the indigenous communities that have been the torchbearers of this knowledge. We invite our readers and collaborators to join us in this commitment, ensuring a future where indigenous wisdom is celebrated and preserved.