ayahuasca visions
The Psychedelic Experience

Ayahuasca Visions: Decoding the Sacred Experience


Amaya Dinesa

Content Writer

October 15, 2023

4.5 mins read


Deep within the Amazon rainforest lies a tradition steeped in ayahuasca visions that has flourished for generations, offering a gateway to the most profound depths of human consciousness.

Ayahuasca, a revered brew crafted from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the Psychotria viridis plant, is celebrated for its capacity to evoke transformative visionary experiences.

These aren't mere hallucinations; they are profound encounters with one's inner self and the vast cosmos.

The Shamanic Brew: A Glimpse into its Composition

Ayahuasca's profound effects stem from two primary ingredients: the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the Psychotria viridis leaves.

The latter, whose name can be translated from Greek to "soul-turning green," contains the psychoactive compound Dimethyltryptamine (DMT).

This molecule is pivotal in producing intense ayahuasca visions and psychedelic experiences.

Artistic impression of ayahuasca vine

The Banisteriopsis caapi vine, on the other hand, offers monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). These compounds ensure that DMT remains active in the system, allowing for its profound effects.

The Molecules Behind the Magic

DMT, a hallucinogen naturally present in minuscule amounts within our brains, becomes particularly potent when consumed through ayahuasca.

It interacts with our central nervous system, leading to ayahuasca visuals like intricate geometric patterns or profound spiritual encounters.

The presence of MAOIs in B. caapi is essential for DMT to effectively influence our brain and induce these visionary experiences.

Harmine, along with other alkaloids, plays a pivotal role as well. These reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A-type isoenzyme (MAO-A) increase serotonin levels in the synapses, leading to a range of effects, from emotional healing to heightened mindfulness.

Scientific Research Exploring Ayahuasca’s Visions

Several studies have explored and supported the visionary experiences induced by ayahuasca. 

😔 > 🌈 Treating Depression & Improving Creativity

One study conducted by Palhano-Fontes et al. (2018) investigated the rapid antidepressant effects of ayahuasca in treatment-resistant depression1

The study found that ayahuasca, when administered in a controlled setting, showed therapeutic value in treating depression. This suggests that the visionary experiences induced by ayahuasca may have positive effects on mental health.

Another study by Kuypers et al. (2016) examined the effects of ayahuasca on creative thinking2. The study found that ayahuasca enhanced divergent thinking, which is associated with creativity, while decreasing convergent thinking.

This suggests that ayahuasca visions may facilitate a more open and expansive mindset, leading to enhanced creative experiences.

🥰 + 🏠 Set + Setting Influence Visions

The influence of setting and context on ayahuasca experiences has also been explored. Perkins et al. (2021) conducted a survey to investigate the influence of context and setting on the mental health and wellbeing outcomes of ayahuasca drinkers.

The study found that the intensity of mystical experiences during the acute phase of the ayahuasca experience was influenced by the context and setting in which it was consumed3.

This highlights the importance of the ceremonial and ritualistic aspects of ayahuasca in shaping the visionary experiences.

Furthermore, Pontual et al. (2022) conducted a survey among ritualistic and religious ayahuasca users to explore the influence of ceremonial settings on mystical and challenging experiences.

The study found that the setting played a significant role in inducing or promoting mystical experiences or challenging experiences among ayahuasca users4.

Navigating Ayahuasca's Visionary Experiences

Let Jaguar spirit guide you

Ayahuasca's visionary experiences can vary widely but often share certain themes:

  • Guidance from Spirit Entities: Many individuals encounter benevolent spirit guides who offer wisdom and healing.
  • Revisiting Past Wounds: Ayahuasca can bring past traumas to the forefront, allowing for deep emotional healing.
  • Cosmic Revelations: Some individuals feel a profound connection to the cosmos, witnessing stars, galaxies, and the vastness of the universe.
  • Animal Spirit Encounters: Animal totems or spirits often appear, symbolizing qualities or energies to be integrated.
  • Healing Energies: Many report encountering healing energies or lights that can be directed towards healing.

Indigenous Insights: From the Stewards of Ayahuasca

Indigenous communities, particularly in the Amazon basin, have long revered ayahuasca, not just as a plant, but as a sentient being with whom they can communicate, learn from, and heal with.

The brew is deeply embedded in their cosmology, rituals, and community life.

Here's a deeper dive into the indigenous perspective, with a particular focus on the Shipibo people, one of the most well-known ayahuasca-practicing communities:

Spiritual Connection

For the Shipibo people, an ayahuasca ceremony isn't just about drinking a brew; it's a communion with the spirits. The intricate songs or "icaros" sung by Shipibo shamans during ceremonies are believed to be taught by the spirits.

These icaros guide the ayahuasca journey, helping to invoke certain spirits or energies, and to navigate the visionary realms. The shamans often describe seeing the patterns they paint or embroider in their textiles during their ayahuasca visions.

> Check out this Spotify playlist of Healing Icaros from Shipibo Shamans

🤒 Healing

Beyond the visions, the Shipibo and other indigenous groups approach ayahuasca as a profound healer. It's not just about seeing; it's about healing. Physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments are addressed in ceremonies, with the shaman often working intensely to remove negative energies or spirits causing illness.

🪽 Transcendence

The Shipibo believe that ayahuasca helps the soul leave the body, allowing it to travel to other realms and dimensions. This journey offers deep insights into the nature of reality, the cosmos, and one's place within it. It's a transcendental experience that underscores the interconnectedness of all life forms.

🛖 Cultural Preservation

For indigenous communities, ayahuasca ceremonies are more than rituals; they are a testament to their resilience, identity, and deep connection to the Amazon rainforest.

The Shipibo, for instance, have faced immense pressures from logging, oil extraction, and other external threats. Yet, their ayahuasca traditions remain a pillar of strength, helping them preserve their culture and pass down wisdom to future generations.

In a world that's rapidly modernizing, the indigenous wisdom surrounding ayahuasca serves as a poignant reminder of the deeper spiritual connections we can foster, the healing we can achieve, and the ancient traditions that continue to thrive against all odds.


In conclusion, ayahuasca visions can be a deep catalyst for healing, growth, and spiritual connection, particularly when approached with respect and guided by the wisdom of indigenous cultures that have cherished it for generations.


The Shamanic Brew: A Glimpse into its Composition

The Molecules Behind the Magic

Scientific Research Exploring Ayahuasca’s Visions

Navigating Ayahuasca's Visionary Experiences

Indigenous Insights: From the Stewards of Ayahuasca



1. Palhano-Fontes, F., Barreto, D., Onias, H., Andrade, K., Novaes, M., Pessoa, J., … & Araújo, D. (2018). Rapid antidepressant effects of the psychedelic ayahuasca in treatment-resistant depression: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 49(4), 655-663.

2. Kuypers, K., Riba, J., Revenga, M., Barker, S., Theunissen, E., & Ramaekers, J. (2016). Ayahuasca enhances creative divergent thinking while decreasing conventional convergent thinking. Psychopharmacology, 233(18), 3395-3403.

3. Perkins, D., Schubert, V., Šimonová, H., Tófoli, L., Bouso, J., Horák, M., … & Sarris, J. (2021). Influence of context and setting on the mental health and wellbeing outcomes of ayahuasca drinkers: results of a large international survey. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12.

4. Pontual, A., Tófoli, L., Corradi-Webster, C., Oorsouw, K., Delgado, A., & Ramaekers, J. (2022). The influence of ceremonial settings on mystical and challenging experiences occasioned by ayahuasca: a survey among ritualistic and religious ayahuasca users. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.